ChatGPT vs Perplexity AI: Does Perplexity Use ChatGPT?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will know that artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a prominent human ally of late, because it offers a diverse range of tools that have been designed to help us save time by streamlining various needs. 

Among the standout AI performers that have emerged, ChatGPT and Perplexity AI sit at the top because of the continual enhancement they go through to provide the output that users want and need.

The AI landscape is constantly shifting, and can be confusing. Many companies overlay different technologies for their own use. In this article, we’ll compare ChatGPT vs Perplexity AI and go into some important differences and key points.

For example, does Perplexity AI use ChatGPT? No, it doesn’t use ChatGPT, but it does use OpenAI’s GPT-3, in a similar way to how BingAI uses GPT-4. We’ll explain how it all works below.

What Exactly Is Perplexity AI?

Most users interested in AI have now acquainted themselves with ChatGPT, the natural large language model (LLM) that can deliver output that is similar to a human. But many are unaware of the capabilities of another innovative AI model that trumps ChatGPT when it comes to things like answering frequently asked questions, or even finding the opening hours of your favorite restaurant.

In fact, Perplexity AI is such a cutting-edge AI chat tool, it basically functions like a potent search engine (for a general overview of Perplexity, see our article here).

Whenever a user submits a query, Perplexity AI will scour the internet in order to find the right response. What sets this tool apart is its remarkable ability to attribute the information it delivers to its source.

In fact, we recommend that you ditch Google search altogether (yes, you read that right!) and start using Perplexity for search!

Perplexity AI vs ChatGPT – Interface Differences

PerplexityAI takes a user interface strategy than ChatGPT does – its less a chatbot, and more of a search bot. It closely resembles the Google search engine in its layout, and includes a prominent central search bar where users are able to input their questions to the AI. 

And just like Google search, Perplexity AI enjoys a distinct advantage over ChatGPT, in that it is able to provide real-time information, whereas the latter popular AI chatbot is limited in its knowledge to data and events that have occurred past 2021 (note: ChatGPT Plus has internet access and can browse the web, which can expad its knowledge base into current events).

Another huge advantage that Perplexity AI has over ChatGPT is in its capacity to attribute sources for the information that it provides to users (that said, ChatGPT is catching up on this, as mentioned above with its browsing capabilities). This sourcing ability makes it an integral knowledge multi-source for those needing to do research, and other academic endeavors, because it lets users view, add sources, and edit queries without initiating a new stream. 

Plus, just like ChatGPT, Perplexity AI is able to deliver answers to your question quickly and concisely.

Does Perplexity AI use ChatGPT?

But what about the question above: Does Perplexity AI use ChatGPT as its engine?

Well, interestingly, this AI search engine bot has been built using OpenAI’s GPT-3 model, although technically it provides a different service altogether.

Basically, Perplexity AI draws its output from an eclectic mix of sources that are available on the internet, including academic databases, the Wolfram Alpha physics and mathematics knowledge base, YouTube, Reddit, and news outlets.

With this wide array of sources, Perplexity AI can provide users with a wealth of information, such as the latest papers and references on specific topics.

ChatGPT, on the other hand, excels in producing in-depth content, making it an ideal choice for content creators, writers, and for general use such as recipes, resume help, and education help. And despite the undeniable value that Perplexity AI offers in providing references for research purposes, ChatGPT remains the preferred choice for its knack for delivering detailed information. 

In addition, its parent company, OpenAI, is continuing to make efforts in enhancing its AI chatbot by adding layers to access the internet, image recognition, table management, and PDFs, which will further extend its ability to find the right solutions for users of AI.

The Techie Part

Both ChatGPT and Perplexity AI are built on large language models (LLMs), which allow them to operate efficiently. ChatGPT uses GPT-3.5 for its free version and GPT-4 for its premium offering, known as ChatGPT Plus.

GPT-4 is the latest and most advanced LLM iteration, giving the AI chatbot improved comprehension skills, and better execution of user requests. 

ChatGPT is also able to provide its users with more personalized human-like responses, often using friendly phrases like “Sure thing!” before providing its answers. It can also adapt its tone, based on the user’s custom instructions and requests, which allows for a more personalized interaction. 

By contrast, Perplexity AI delivers its responses in a more robotic manner, due to its reliance on the GPT-3 model, which provides information verbatim without much rephrasing.

Just the facts, ma’am.

Nonetheless, it compensates this coldness with its ability to provide recent data, and source citations for user verification.

So, Which AI Model Should I Choose?

Because AI tools continue to evolve, when it comes to whether or not you would prefer to use ChatGPT or Perplexity AI, it could come down to choosing the most cost-effective option. In this case, using ChatGPT 3.5 is still free, while the subscription for using the GPT-4 model costs $20 a month (and it is definitely worth trying out for a month or two).

By contrast, Perplexity AI is also free to use, although it has a more intelligent version that’s based on the GPT-4 model called Copilot, which is also able to interact more with users by asking clarifying questions, performing multiple searches at the same time, and summarizing the output it provides. The subscription for using Perplexity AI’s Copilot will also cost you $20 per month.

Do You Have A Need For Speed?

When it comes down to the reliability of speedy responses, both ChatGPT and Perplexity AI perform really well. Users can expect to get fast results from both of these AI systems, and there’s not much difference between them on this aspect.

This is also the case whether you’re using Perplexity AI in GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 mode.

However, it’s important to note that ChatGPT is known to experience an occasional lag during peak usage times. This is because OpenAI’s huge base of more than 100 million users worldwide each day means ChatGPT faces high periods of demand, which does lead to temporary delays in its responses and occasional errors. 

Perplexity AI doesn’t suffer from such high demand, so if you’re in a hurry, you may want to choose to use this chatbot instead.

Final Thoughts

Looking at both models from a bigger perspective, Perplexity AI operates on GPT-3, but excels at providing search engine functionality, while ChatGPT focuses on generating text. Another noteworthy advantage of using Perplexity AI is in its transparent approach to sourcing information, and providing verification for them which ChatGPT can’t do.

So, if you’ve been wondering does Perplexity AI use OpenAI’s GPT technology, the simple answer is yes. Choosing the right model to use though depends on your needs and preferences, and what you want to get out of your AI interaction — whether it be sourced data for research or generated content, or conversation — because both AI models have their strengths and weaknesses.

Ultimately, your decision should be made in alignment with your objectives, in order to ensure that you make the most of this evolving AI revolution in your daily life.
