What Does GPT Stand For In ChatGPT?

By now, most people will have used or at least heard about the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that is all the rage, ChatGPT, and its ability to have human-like conversations with users, hence the “chat” part of its name. 

So, what does the GPT stand for in ChatGPT? Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. Wasn’t that obvious? What does that mean? Read on to find out!

What Does GPT Stand For In ChatGPT?

So, we know that the “chat” part of ChatGPT refers to the AI chatbot’s functionality. But what about the GPT part?

In a nutshell, ChatGPT is an acronym that stands for Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, which is what the GPT stands for.

In a nutshell, ChatGPT is an acronym that stands for Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, which is what the GPT stands for.

So, your next question will probably be, what is a generative pre-trained transformer? There are many large language models, or LLMs, that are used to create artificial intelligence services, and the generative pre-trained transformer is just one type.

Most large language models are pre-trained using vast quantities of data, which gives them the ability to generate text from word prompts, such as you can do with ChatGPT. 

If you look at it in uncomplicated terms, it simply means that ChatGPT is the web (or now iPhone) app used to generate text prompts, and the generative pre-trained transformer part is the brain that runs the application.

This means that it’s the generative pre-trained transformer that assembles the text, creates the code, or writes the poems from user prompts. So technically, it’s not the app that does all the work. 

ChatGPT simply processes the user’s prompt to generate a response from the huge amounts of data the generative pre-trained transformer has been trained by. It’s the generative pre-trained transformer that does all the hard work of producing coherent information that has been extracted from vast quantities of datasets that are publicly available.

The Difference Between GPT-3 and GPT-4

With the recent release of ChatGPT-4, the generative pre-trained transformer has taken on even more deep learning, and is set to take AI to a whole new level. 

GPT-3 took content production viral once people began to realize how they could shortcut their writing processes for things like creating emails, reports, and even computer code. However, with GPT-4, it’s going to be like comparing the Atari console to the latest Playstation.

And that’s because GPT-4 not only has the ability to create output from the input of images as well as text, but it also has a substantially larger database, and has better performance, including faster speeds, and the fact that it has scored 40% higher on OpenAI’s factual correctness benchmark. This means there is much less chance of it hallucinating.

GPT-4 not only has the ability to create output from the input of images as well as text, but it also has a substantially larger database, and has better performance, including faster speeds, and the fact that it has scored 40% higher on OpenAI’s factual correctness benchmark. This means there is much less chance of it hallucinating.


At the moment, GPT-4 is only available to people who fork out for an OpenAI ChatGPT Plus subscription, which they pay $20 a month for. And it’s totally worth trying out, at least for a moth or two, to see what it can really do.

But if you aren’t looking for coding help or to do heavy research, you can still get good use out of the GPT-3.5 model used by the free version of ChatGPT. And now that you know what does the GPT stand for in ChatGPT, you can rest assured that the generative pre-trained transformer is still doing its best to serve you.
