10 ChatGPT Prompts For Lawyers

If you’re prone to listening to stories in the mainstream media telling you that your hard-earned career is at stake because of a new threat coming from artificial intelligence, then who wouldn’t be alarmed?

And that’s exactly what has happened in recent weeks, with so many reports predicting millions of job losses as a result of the launch of OpenAI’s natural language programming chatbot, ChatGPT, which will apparently leave people in professions like computer programmers, teachers, writers, and lawyers needing to find other careers.

However, don’t let this dystopian fear porn fool you, because ChatGPT can actually be your friend, not your foe. That’s why in this blog post, we’re going to share with you 10 ChatGPT prompts for lawyers that you can use to support your legal-based productivity.

10 ChatGPT Prompts for Lawyers

Let’s dive right in.

For our first prompt, we asked ChatGPT to generate a 250-word synopsis about how artificial intelligence can be used to help lawyers, and the effect that doing so may have on the profession as we move forward.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the legal profession, offering numerous benefits and transforming the way lawyers approach their work. By leveraging AI technologies, lawyers can streamline various tasks, improve efficiency, and better serve their clients. This synopsis will explore the different ways AI can assist lawyers and the potential impact on the profession in the coming years.

  1. Document Review and Analysis: AI-powered tools, such as natural language processing, can help lawyers quickly review and analyze large volumes of documents. These tools can identify relevant information, flag potential issues, and even predict case outcomes, significantly reducing the time and effort spent on manual document review.
  2. Legal Research: AI can facilitate comprehensive legal research by quickly scanning through vast databases of case law, statutes, and regulations. This enables lawyers to find relevant precedents and applicable laws more efficiently, thereby improving the quality of their legal advice and advocacy.
  3. Contract Drafting and Review: AI can automate the process of drafting and reviewing contracts, spotting potential issues or inconsistencies, and suggesting improvements. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of human error and ensures that contracts are compliant with applicable laws.
  4. Predictive Analytics: By leveraging AI-driven predictive analytics, lawyers can make more informed decisions about case strategies and litigation risks. AI can analyze historical case data to estimate the likelihood of success, helping lawyers and clients to better understand the potential outcomes and decide on the best course of action.

As AI continues to advance, the legal profession will need to adapt to these changes. Lawyers who embrace AI technologies can stay ahead of the curve and better serve their clients, while those who resist may find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. The integration of AI into the legal field will likely lead to a shift in focus from repetitive tasks to more strategic and analytical work, enhancing the value and impact of the profession as a whole.

Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? We next asked ChatGPT to provide us with some relevant and reliable sources for researching workers’ compensation law in Nevada. Here’s what it gave us:

Below is a list of reliable sources for researching workers’ compensation law in Nevada. These sources include government websites, legal databases, and reputable law firms that specialize in workers’ compensation law.

  1. Nevada Department of Business and Industry (B&I) – Industrial Relations Division: The Industrial Relations Division within the Department of Business and Industry is responsible for administering and enforcing Nevada’s workers’ compensation laws. The website provides resources, forms, and publications for both employers and employees. Website: http://dir.nv.gov/WCS/Home/
  2. Nevada Legislature – Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS): The official website of the Nevada Legislature provides access to the Nevada Revised Statutes, which include the laws governing workers’ compensation (Title 53, Chapter 616A to 616D). Website: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NRS/
  3. Nevada Administrative Code (NAC): The Nevada Administrative Code contains the regulations that govern workers’ compensation in the state. You can search for specific regulations related to workers’ compensation on the Nevada Legislature’s website. Website: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NAC/
  4. Legal Information Institute (LII) – Cornell Law School: Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute provides an overview of workers’ compensation laws in the United States and offers a portal to access state-specific information, including Nevada. Website: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/workers_compensation
  5. LexisNexis and Westlaw: LexisNexis and Westlaw are legal research databases that offer access to state and federal statutes, case law, and other legal resources. They typically require a subscription but are invaluable for researching workers’ compensation law in Nevada.
  6. Law Firms Specializing in Workers’ Compensation Law: Reputable law firms that specialize in workers’ compensation law in Nevada can be an excellent resource for understanding the intricacies of the state’s regulations. Some firms may provide blog articles or FAQs on their websites to help educate the public.

Remember, when using law firm websites as a source, always verify the information with official government resources or legal databases to ensure accuracy and reliability.

You can provide ChatGPT with prompts that contain text from any legal documents that you have in your possession (just consider the privacy and other concerns outlined below).

All you have to do is paste the text into the AI chatbot’s prompt box.

So, for example, you can prompt it with something like: 

Read this document, and then give me a summary of all of the legal implications you can find, putting particular focus on anything that might not be legally enforceable.

Before adding the text that you want analyzed. 

More ChatGPT Prompts For Lawyers

Although by no means comprehensive, here is a list of other prompts that you can use with ChatGPT, in order for it to assist you with your legal duties: 

1. How likely is it that [insert issue] will end in success for my client?

2. Make a list of the current statutes and regulations governing [insert issue], and another list of all the penalties that are associated with non-compliance.

3. What state or federal laws need to be incorporated into this non-disclosure agreement?

4. Identify and evaluate the potential legal risks of [insert the issue] facing my client. 

You can take this even further by adding to the thread, with sub-prompts such as:

List the industry standards that could potentially impact my client in this case.

List the probable consequences my client will face if these standards are not met.

5. How might the new regulations of [the issue] affect the outcome of my client’s case?

Are there any potential arguments about the benefits or risks of the new regulations that I should be aware of?

Give me a summary of the legislative history of these regulations.

6. List the best strategies for avoiding legal disputes about [the issue] before they get to court.

What might the opposing party want to gain from this dispute?

Make a list of some questions that they might ask during the negotiations.

7.  List 5 potential consequences that my client’s business could face as a result of this legal decision.

Can you provide a summary of any recent similar cases in other jurisdictions?

8. List three likely outcomes for my client’s business after pursuing this legal challenge. 

Is there a risk to their business if they choose not to pursue?

9. List all of the procedural requirements that are needed to file a successful lawsuit or appeal?

Provide me with a list of any legal precedents in this jurisdiction that must be followed to be successful?

Are there any ethical rules I need to be aware of about [the legal issue]?

10. What are two ways to address a client’s difficult behavior?

List five reasons why the client may be behaving in this way.

What could potentially happen if I ignore their difficult behavior?

ChatGPT, Attorney At Law

You may well already be aware of how ChatGPT has been all over the news recently. Especially with stories being broadcast about how it was able to pass several law and business school exams, and what this would mean in terms of students being able to cheat in order to graduate.

You may well already be aware of how ChatGPT has been all over the news recently. Especially with stories being broadcast about how it was able to pass several law and business school exams, and what this would mean in terms of students being able to cheat in order to graduate.

Four law professors from the University of Minnesota got ChatGPT to generate answers to exams from previous courses that were taken by law students during the last year. They blindly graded them along with test answers from their actual students’ tests. The AI chatbot averaged a C+, which wasn’t as good as the students’ B+.

But that was last year, using GPT-3, the previous version of ChatGPT. ChatGPT using GPT4 is more than capable enough of passing a full bar exam. 90th percentile, even!

It’s now time to embrace the ability ChatGPT has to support you in your career. Hint: many of your legal colleagues are already doing this.

ChatGPT Law Review

ChatGPT is already able to do things for you like draft, review, and summarize common legal documents, such as non-disclosure agreements, partnership agreements, and wills, as well as draft and ‘write’ client and opposing counsel letters. It is even able to write essays on legal topics ranging from bankruptcy and constitutional law to wills and workers’ compensation.

It can even generate legal research and analysis when prompted, although it should be noted that the AI chatbot has been known to ‘hallucinate’. This means that there is still a tendency for ChatGPT to produce text that reads well and is grammatically correct, but doesn’t make sense, so you should definitely have a good read of the output before you use it.

It can even generate legal research and analysis when prompted, although it should be noted that the AI chatbot has been known to ‘hallucinate’. This means that there is still a tendency for ChatGPT to produce text that reads well and is grammatically correct, but doesn’t make sense, so you should definitely have a good read of the output before you use it.

But even though you need to proofread ChatGPT’s output, the AI chatbot will generate it for you at lightning speed, leaving you more time to do other things, like counseling your clients, taking depositions, and conducting more research and analysis that you don’t currently have time for.

Privacy Concerns with ChatGPT

The integration of AI-powered language models like ChatGPT into various industries has shown promising results, particularly in enhancing productivity and efficiency. However, for lawyers considering using ChatGPT as an assistant in legal document review and production, there are several privacy concerns that warrant attention.

You need to be thoughtful with how you use ChatGPT, and the information you put into it. Over time, companies will likely make more secure versions of ChatGPT-style LLMs focused on legal work, which effectively deal with these issues. But for now, these private LLMs are less powerful and less available than ChatGPT.

1. Confidentiality

The foremost concern for lawyers is maintaining client confidentiality. As an AI model, ChatGPT processes the data input it receives to generate responses. When legal professionals share sensitive information with the AI, there is a risk that the data could be inadvertently leaked or accessed by unauthorized parties.

Although ChatGPT’s developers employ robust security measures, the possibility of a breach still exists.

2. Data Storage and Retention

AI models like ChatGPT typically store data on servers, raising questions about data storage, retention, and deletion practices. Lawyers need to understand the specifics of these practices and whether they comply with applicable laws and regulations, such as the GDPR and HIPAA.

Failure to adhere to these requirements could result in legal and financial repercussions.

3. Bias and Inaccuracy

AI-generated responses may not always be accurate or unbiased. Although ChatGPT is designed to be a neutral language model, it can inadvertently produce biased or incorrect information, especially in complex legal scenarios.

Relying solely on the AI’s output without proper review can lead to serious consequences, including the risk of compromising client privacy.

Always, always, review the outputs.

4. Ethical Considerations

The use of AI in the legal field raises ethical questions concerning the extent to which lawyers can delegate tasks to a machine. Legal professionals have an ethical obligation to protect client interests, and relying too heavily on AI-generated content could compromise their ability to uphold this responsibility. This, in turn, could result in potential harm to clients’ privacy.

Final Verdict

It’s difficult to argue the case that ChatGPT is simply an emerging and evolving artificial intelligence tool you can ‘converse’ with and use to help you improve your writing skills. 

That’s because it offers so much more, like supporting you in streamlining more time-consuming tasks like researching. And with the ChatGPT prompts for attorneys you’ve discovered in this blog post, you’ll be ahead of the game once it becomes integrated in tech for the legal industry. 
